How to Go Solar?

Our turnkey solution for residential & commercial makes it easy

You're 5 Simple Steps Away

We take care of entire solar project from beginning to end in 5 easy steps!

Contact Us

Fill out the online form to get a free customized quote. Our solar specialist will contact you to ask a few questions and answer any questions or concerns that you may have. By using provided information we determine if a solar electric system is the right choice for you.

Sign Your Contract

We prepare your personalized contract in a simple and transparent fashion which includes the warranties and guaranties that are designed to protect you and your investment.

System gets Designed & Permitted

Our site surveyor visits your home to evaluate the installation space and take the necessary measurements. Then we design your system based on the gathered information and submit the required documents and drawings to the city for obtaining the permit

System gets Installed

We install your system with the highest industry standard. Then we request for city and utility company inspection.

Turn your system on!

After passing the inspections and getting the utility company approval, the utility company will replace your existing meter with a net meter and issue PTO (Permit to Operate.) Now it’s time! Flip the switch to start generating your own clean & free electricity

© 2019 Sunny Dwellings Inc. DBA Solar Dwelling. All Rights Reserved.